
fake hate crimes: a database of hate crime hoaxes in the usa

The purpose of this site is to compile a comprehensive database of the false reports of "hate crimes" committed (mostly) in the USA. It builds on the work of Laird Wilcox, whose Crying Wolf (PDF) is the original book on this subject. The books Hate Crime Hoax and Hate Crimes: Criminal Law & Identity Politics are also recommended.

Report 416.

Articles/programs Details
583. Viterbo student who reported racist incidents accused of starting fire in residential hall / Unanka had been the target of two purported incidents of racism in the recent past and was apparently looking to frame the fire as a third one; a resident adviser told police. Unanka’s undoing, it s / 2021-04-1
Type of hoax: charged with committing crime


La Crosse Wisconsin

Black Student Accused of Starting Fire in Building Full of Her Sleeping Peers in Apparent Hate Crime Hoax
